What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese medicine has been around for millennia, which makes it a time-tested treatment method. It is a holistic way to keep the body healthy and balanced, and its benefits have been proven time and again.

The term traditional Chinese medicine is used to group various treatments like cupping therapy, acupressure and acupuncture. Each of these treatments has its specific uses, so read on to see how each of them works.

The philosophy behind traditional Chinese medicine

The goal of traditional Chinese medicine is to ensure a person's vital energy, or Qi, keeps flowing through their body, in the right amounts and without obstruction. Qi is meant to flow continuously through specific paths or meridians. Any problems with its flow are thought to lead to problems with your health and overall well-being.

What is Qi?

Qi has two parts that must be kept in balance. They are the Yin and the Yang, polar opposites that complement each other. When these two elements of the Qi are in balance, your body remains well. When these two are out of balance, then your well-being and physical health suffer.

Forms of Chinese medicine

The various therapies that fall under the umbrella of traditional Chinese medicine all aim to restore or maintain the flow and balance of the Qi.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a holistic approach that has been used in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • Insomnia
  • Allergies
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Skin conditions like Eczema and acne
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes

Here are a few examples of these therapies and how they work.

1. Acupuncture

This treatment involves inserting super thin needles at specific points on the body. The acupuncturist pushes the needles through the skin with expert precision. The depth of the needles varies depending on where they are placed.

Acupuncture is a popular treatment that is used to relieve pain and stress. A study in the Journal of Nursing Research found that acupuncture helped reduce knee pain and increased mobility in those with osteoarthritis.

2. Cupping

Cupping is the use of special cups to create suction that pulls the skin into the cup. This causes the blood vessels to widen. Cupping is commonly used as relaxation therapy. It provides pain relief and is also a form of massage.

3. Acupressure

As mentioned earlier, the paths through which the Qi flow are called meridians. Acupressure is the application of pressure to various points on said meridians. Acupressure practitioners apply pressure with their hands, elbows, feet or special devices.

This treatment is meant to restore the correct flow of Qi. It is a popular way to relieve pain, nausea, stress and muscle tension.

4. Herbal therapy

Chinese herbs are known for curing ailments like skin conditions and many types of illnesses. They can also be used to cleanse and detoxify the body or to provide pain relief. These herbs can be quite potent when combined, so seeing a professional is the safest way to begin this treatment.

Whenever possible, you should limit your use of chemical drugs and opt for holistic remedies instead. This is especially true for conditions that cause chronic pain, like back pain and arthritis. By choosing traditional Chinese therapy to complement treatment, you can decrease your dependence on potentially addictive pain medication.

Take control of your health with traditional Chinese medicine

When you see a certified practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, they will diagnose you by taking a medical history and performing a physical exam. Based on their findings, they will recommend therapy that will improve your health and sense of well-being.

If you want to improve the way you feel using holistic treatments that have no side effects, visit our practice to see what we can do for you.

Request an appointment here: https://Spine-Chiropractic.com or call Spine Chiropractic at (423) 910-2302 for an appointment in our Ooltewah office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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